Jumat, 25 November 2016

In Your UBL Shaver, Complaining About The Lack Of Preparation Of The Hera Benny Team

Futsal League Student event series I have entered into the matchday 3  on Thursday (1/10) yesterday in GOR Ciracas, East Jakarta.

Bung Karno University who previously experienced a less good, beginning with a ffairly disastrous defeat swallowing of the team that became one of the pre-eminent inLifuma years, namely the ABFII scandal Perbanas by a score of 6-2.

In Your UBL Shaver, Complaining About The Lack Of Preparation Of The Hera Benny Team

Action on matchday 2, the UBK  to the also only managed to resist the draw of the University of Indonesia. In the third match, certainly the UBK wanted to try to grab the maximum results. However, facing Marvin Alexa dkk is the defending champion Lifuma last year, Indonesia Christian University.

The two teams that have not been completely on luck trying to find victory in the game. Unfortunately, the Squad's Gery Ferdinandus should be happy with the draw after players UBK, Suwandi equate the position of being 3-3.

Gery who believe menukangi team UKI admitted his young players who recently appeared in Lifuma still need flying hours.

"We've tried to play well, match travel fun and interesting enough, in the second half I can not impose Rommel and Odang (Dadang Joon) play full one match, becausewe didn't want the team UKI is tied to them, although not denying we urgently need flying hours both of them," lamented, Gery which is goalkeeper Electric PLN.

The second reason, why would Rommel Jonathan could not be lowered by reducing the hours of play, because players can't PLN Electric strengthens UKI back because should strengthen Pre PON DKI.

While Dee will fly to Italy with the team Pra PON Jabar entitled Intersport Goes to Italy. This is the reason why his players to impose play Gery so they can quickly adapt and have a good experience and mental to continue some of the match without both its flagship.

An advanced Student at the Sepatu Futsal League matchday to  3 in helat on GOR Ciracas,East Jakarta, the back presents an exciting action-action on the main divisions, one of which was a match from both teams, including the University of Budi Luhur University against Indonesia.

UBL previously should be subject to from STIE BP on Derby Ciledug Tuesday (11/9), this time the great Kotsev dkk back rise after successfully defeating the University ofIndonesia with a striking 9-4.

Read also: https://www.omahcateringjogja.com/

In Your UBL Shaver, Complaining About The Lack Of Preparation Of The Hera Benny Team

While the University of Indonesia failed to continue the next victory on matchday to– 2, Squad coach Benny Hera successfully defeat STEI 4 – 2. His first post-swallow defeat, according to Coach Benny Hera, his last chapter, the team of the University of Indonesia have yet to prepare his team well because of several factors.

"the State of the team now is shaky, because in the internal UI team itself has just changed its governance, and some players are outside the area just got back from each area, because most children's UI kostan. Fasting and lebaran holiday break very long preparation and becoming less, "lamented former players Following the ball.

At last, the UI had the superior difference difference between two goals in the first half with the score 3-1. Open and run match giving an interesting spectacle, because both team is very eager to grab the victory, selling attacks many times makes the audience amazed decak that meets the GOR Ciracas.

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

Vamos FC Coach Search Talent Bandung

Ramadan does not mean stopping activities. For Vamos FC Coach Mataram BonsuHasibuan, the moment this could be a new opportunity to strengthen his team.

Bonsu seems also do not want to lose the momentum of the title Pro Futsal League (PFL) 2016 officially ends Sunday (5/6).

Vamos FC Coach Search Talent Bandung

On account of his personal coach, bloody Instagram Batak is informed that her will hold coaching clinic while looking for talent in Bandung. Bonsu will hold coaching clinics for players age group aged 19-22 years.

"In the month of Ramadan, the Coach want hospitality with all the players who are age 19-20-21-22 in order to coach Bonzu looking for talent in Bandung," wrote his personal account, Bonsu Tuesday (7/6).

The event, titled "practicing Alongside Coach Bonsu Hasibuan" this will take place in the grounds of Queen Street Center Futsal Katamso No. 66 Bandung, West Java. The plan, at this event will Bonsu share experiences and struggle hard to take the painin the world of Futsal.

So for those of you who are aged 19-22 years old, awaited its presence in the fieldQueen Katamso on 10-11 June from 19-00 to 22-00. For those of you who live outside Bandung, don't worry because the Committee Organizer provides the mess to stay. Don't miss!!

Success brings Jaya Kencana (JK) Angels won the Pro Women's Futsal League Blend2016 (BWPFL), Ade Fitriya Hilda have new targets. The player who was a student of the University of Budi Luhur it wants to bring the Angels to win the International pageant JK, 2016 AFF Futsal Club Championship.

Target supported sanctions AGAINST that Ade has been revoked by FIFA. That is, football or futsal Indonesia certainly will return to perform in the tournament of the international arena.

"Then see PSSI sanctions already repealed, certainly we would advance as the representative clubs from Indonesia at AFF Futsal Club Championship in 2016. Of course,our target is the champion, the main maximum, sincere and honest, "says Ade to Futsal Zone, Monday (6/6).

Read also: https://www.omahcateringjogja.com/

Vamos FC Coach Search Talent Bandung

AFF Futsal Club Championship in 2016 will be held at Pyinmana, Myanmarat 10-16next July. JK Angels themselves are in Group A along with four other teams, namely,Nam Thai Son District 8 FC Khonsawan, FC, Na Bangkok FC, FC and W.

ADE is also bubbling up of happiness after his team managed to subdue the UPI Antam the women futsal League defending champions last season. He admitted his team's achievements have been many that have to be sacrificed to become a champion.

JK mematahan dominance of the ICU Angels Antam in the final by a score of 4-2, atGOR UNY Yogyakarta Sunday (5/5). "Seneng banget, extraordinary, because this is what we been waiting for. So many have sacrificed to achieve the champion, "he said.